Klesa tarjoaa nyt 3D4Makersin laadukkaita teollisuustason 3D-Tulostus filamentteja

Klesa now offers 3D4Makers' high-quality industrial-grade 3D-Printing filaments

Klesa Now Offers 3D4Makers High Quality Industrial Grade Filaments

Klesa is proud to announce that we are now a reseller of 3D4Makers quality filaments. This new collaboration gives our customers access to a wide range of filaments specially designed for engineering and industrial use. This range covers everything from general-purpose filaments to ultra-performance materials that meet the demanding standards of modern 3D printing projects.

General performance filaments

We offer well-known and trusted 3D4Makers filaments such as ABS , ASA and PLA , which are ideal for a wide range of applications. More specialized options include ABS ESD , which is designed for the needs of the electronics industry, and ABS Kevlar , which offers durability and impact resistance for demanding conditions. PETG and PETG Carbon bring more durability and heat resistance, which makes them ideal for industrial and automation use.

LUVOCOM® 3F series

The LUVOCOM® 3F series from 3D4Makers contains high performance polymers such as PEEK and PEKK materials known for their excellent mechanical and thermal properties at high temperatures. The PEI Ultem range offers excellent chemical resistance and heat resistance, ideal for aerospace and automotive applications.

Ultra-performance Filaments

Ultra-performance filaments such as PI Z2 , PEEK , PEKK-A , and PPSU , are designed for extreme conditions and are in the 3D4Makers range. These materials are resistant to high temperatures and chemicals, making them indispensable in the most demanding applications.

Facilan™ series

The Facilan™ series from 3D4Makers offers specialized materials for medical applications, including Facilan™ Ortho and Facilan™ HT , optimized for the manufacture of orthopedic implants and medical devices.

Magigoo glues

We also offer a comprehensive range of accessories, such as Magigoo HT , Magigoo PA , and Magigoo Original , designed to optimize the 3D printing process and improve print retention.

Klesa is committed to offering its customers access to the best materials on the market. Check out our new 3D4Makers filament selection on our website and start your next generation 3D printing projects today!

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